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deutsche Version
Abuel-Yazid, Mohamed
The Tomb of the Mayor of Athribis
Drawings by Ahmed Halim and Daniela Mendel. Photographs by Ayman Damarany and Ahmed Amin. Athribis-Studien I
volume: 40
pages/dimensions: XIV, 404 pages, 91 ill., 2 tables, 81 plates
language: English
binding: Book (Hardback)
dimensions: 21.00 × 29.70 cm
weight: 1790g
publishing date: 24.01.2024
prices: 128,00 Eur[D] / 131,60 Eur[A]
ISBN: 978-3-447-12071-5
Printed Version
128,00 Eur
E-Book (pdf)
128,00 Eur
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The shaft tomb of Psenosiris, mayor of Athribis west of modern Sohag, is located in the mountain west of the temple of Repit near the modern village Sheik Hamed. It is one of several tombs of the necropolis, probably the most important one. Firstly mentioned more than 110 years ago by the British egyptologist Flinders Petrie, it has remained unpublished with the exception of it’s two astronomical ceilings.
For the first time Mohamed Abuel Yazid offers a comprehensive publication of the whole tomb including its colourful ceilings and all its long texts which make this tomb in Athribis to one of the most important ones of the early Roman period in all of Egypt. The complete decoration of the tomb is presented in facsimile drawings as well as in detailed photos. All texts are presented in hieroglyphs, transliterations and translations. Wall plans are indicating their exact positions in the tomb. The author offers also a complete glossary of the texts as well as a conclusion about dating the tomb (there are no cartouches in this monument) and its relationship with the great temple of the site.
