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deutsche Version
Buchmann, Marek
Northern Thai Stone Inscriptions (14th – 17th Centuries)
volume: 73,1
pages/dimensions: XIX, 307 pages
language: English
binding: Book (Paperback)
dimensions: 14.50 × 22.00 cm
weight: 550g
publishing date: 31.08.2011
prices: 68,00 Eur[D] / 70,00 Eur[A]
ISBN: 978-3-447-06536-8
Printed Version
68,00 Eur
E-Book (pdf)
68,00 Eur
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The Glossary is the first part of Marek Buchmann’s two-volume study of northern Thai stone inscriptions. The result of long and extensive field and museum research, the glossary covers the vocabulary of 173 Thai stone inscriptions, from the beginnings in 1339 AD to 1616/1617 AD. The glossary includes every occurrence of a word in the corpus and, most importantly, every attested spelling variant. Glossary entries provided include all occurrences of a particular vocabulary item. There are a total of 4.690+ different lexical entries with all attested spelling variants. Translation is usually given for that variant of a word occurring most often. Every word has, at most, three keyword-in-context (KWIC) references.
This Glossary is intended to be a first step towards establishing proper readings and translations of northern Thai stone inscriptions. It is intended to assist the researcher in the editing and translation of epigraphic texts, as well as the linguist interested in the analysis of medieval regional Thai varieties. The second volume next to this glossary consists of a comprehensive catalogue.
