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deutsche Version
Zeitschrift für Arabische Linguistik 76 (2022/2)
editor(s): Arnold, Werner / Jastrow, Otto / Talay, Shabo
volume: 76 (2022/2)
pages/dimensions: 110 pages, 9 tables, 1 map
language: Deutsch, Englisch
binding: Paperback
dimensions: 17,00 × 24,00 cm
weight: 495g
publishing date: 14.12.2022
prices: ca. 54,00 Eur[D]
ISBN: 978-3-447-18162-4
more titles of the subject:
The aim in founding the Zeitschrift für Arabische Linguistik was to establish a journal devoted exclusively to work in the field of Arabic linguistics, which before had been published in a variety of journals of Oriental studies or linguistics. The Zeitschrift für Arabische Linguistik is a forum in which the results of research can be brought to the attention of scholars and discussed, in which new data can be made available without delay and in which new scholarly works can be reviewed.
The editors intend the term Arabic linguistics to be understood in a very broad sense. It is taken to include all the historical stages and the regional and social variants of Arabic. The main emphasis will be placed on preclassical and classical Arabic including Arabic nation grammar, Modern Standard Arabic and the Arabic dialects. The old and modern South Arabian dialects will also be given due consideration.
As far as descriptive method is concerned, the Zeitschrift für Arabische Linguistik is not restricted to any one linguistic approach. Research of any kind into the Arabic language as defined above is accepted in this journal.

From the contents (altogether 6 contributions):
W. Diem, Philologisches zu arabischen Dokumenten des 15.-16. Jahrhunderts über Reittiere (ʿUmarī: Ḫuyūl)
M. Hanitsch, Gender agreement in Qurʾanic VSO-verbs with nonhuman subjects
A. Bar Moshe, The short vowel system of the Jewish Arabic dialect of ˁĀna. A struggle between phonetic and historical developments
Q. Hassan, The Arabic Dialect of Kbēse: An Oasis Dialect in Western Iraq
I. Younes, Texte en dialecte šāwi (ʿArab al-ʿAtīǧ) de Ruǧum Bēt X̣aḷaf̣/al-Kalxa (nord-est du Liban). Fāyiz Ǧihād az-Zīr al-ǝMkaḥḥal - ʿādāt u-taqālīd
