Imprimatur - ein Jahrbuch für Bücherfreunde
Since 1937, the German Society of Bibliophiles has published the yearbook Imprimatur, which was founded in 1930. The richly illustrated contributions present a wide range of topics that touch on the diverse bibliophile interests of collectors, book lovers, and book enthusiasts. Historical collections, questions and problems of their preservation and restoration are considered as well as current trends in book design, book illustration or book binding. Topics of intellectual history, book history and art history are complemented by the presentation of individual typographers and collectors. Imprimatur appears every two years and is aimed equally at collectors, book historians, antiquarians, and friends of book art.
Schneider, Ute / Gesellschaft der Bibliophilen (Ed.)
27 (2021)
Ein Jahrbuch für Bücherfreunde
Schneider, Ute (Ed.)
26 (2019)
Herausgegeben im Auftrag der Gesellschaft der Bibliophilen von Ute Schneider
Herausgegeben im Auftrag der Gesellschaft der Bibliophilen in München von Ute Schneider (Ed.)
24 (2015)
Ein Jahrbuch für Bücherfreunde