Monumenta Germaniae Historica - Studien zur Geschichte der Mittelalterforschung
The Monumenta Germaniae Historica (MGH), founded in 1819 by Freiherr Karl vom Stein for the publication of medieval historical sources, repeatedly attracted important scholars and developed from a learned society of the 19th century into today's non-profit corporation under public law. The core competence of the MGH, the publication of medieval Latin sources in text-critical edition and technically up-to-date scholarly source research, remains the keystone for medieval studies in the 21st century. For 200 years now, the MGH have been involved in scholarly research into the history of the European Middle Ages and, with an international network of corresponding members and cooperation partners, promote collegial collaboration in medieval research worldwide.
The series Studien zur Geschichte der Mittelalterforschung contributes to a more differentiated perception of German medieval research with studies on the history of individuals and institutions as well as methodological studies. After the Second World War, influential German scholars associated with the MGH developed the narrative of apolitical medieval research, even though the MGH had been reorganized by the regime in 1935 into a National Socialist ’Reichsinstitut‘. Since 2019, the MGH have therefore increasingly been researching their own history as an institute and their political, economic and social interdependencies in collaboration with other institutions. Becker, Maximilian / Hartmann, Martina / Marquard-Mois, Annette (Ed.)
Beiträge der Tagung im Oktober 2023 in der Akademie für Politische Bildung Tutzing
Hartmann, Martina / Marquard-Mois, Annette / Becker, Maximilian (Ed.)
Die jüdischen Mitarbeiter und Mitarbeiterinnen der Monumenta Germaniae Historica
Mentzel-Reuters, Arno / Hartmann, Martina / Baumeister, Martin (Ed.)
Beiträge des Symposiums am 28. und 29. November 2019 in Rom