Edited by Michael Weiers
The series Tunguso Sibirica offers monographs and anthologies on the basis of the cultures and languages of Siberia, North and North-East Asia, as well as their inner-Asian neighbors, with a linguistic, historical, and anthropological orientation from the perspective of Tungusic and Siberian peoples and languages. Areas covered are Kamchatka andManchuria as well as the Mongolian and Turkic regions of Inner Asia, the upper and middle Yenisej as well as the borders to Central Asia. Weiers, Michael
Khabtagaeva, Bayarma
Shimunek, Andrew
A Historical-Comparative Study of the Serbi or Xianbei Branch of the Serbi-Mongolic Language Family, with an Analysis of Northeastern Frontier Chinese and Old Tibetan Phonology
Senderjav, Alimaa
36 / Teil 2
Teil 2: Verben II
Senderjav, Alimaa
36 / Teil 1
Teil 1: Verben
Knüppel, Michael
Am Beispiel von S. M. Širokogorovs "Tungus Dictionary"
Fuente, José Andrés Alonso de la
Another Case of 'Analysis to Synthesis'?
Knüppel, Michael / Tongerloo, Alois van (Ed.)
Proceedings of the 43rd Annual Meeting of the Permanent International Altaistic Conference(PIAC)- Chateau Pietersheim, Belgium, September,3-8,2000
Doerfer, Gerhard
Teil I: Kategorisierte Märchen und Erzählungen. Teil 2: Nicht-kategorisierte Märchen und Erzählungen
Zimmermann, Astrid E
Arbeit, Familie und Heirat am Beispiel der westmongolischen Ööld
Gernet, Katharina
Zur Geschichte eines nordostsibirischen Volkes im russischen Zarenreich
Kämpfe, Hans R / Volodin, Alexander P