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Meroitica - Schriften zur altsudanesischen Geschichte und Archäologie
Edited by Alexandra Verbovsek on behalf of the Department of Archaeology, Section Egyptology and Northeast African Archaeology, Humboldt-Universität Berlin

The Meroitica series is closely associated with the Department of Archaeology and Cultural History of Northeast Africa at the Humboldt University of Berlin and its long-standing research on ancient Sudan. The first volume was published in 1971 by Steffen Wenig, the founder and long-time editor of the series. The focus of the series is on ancient Sudan, Ethiopia and Eritrea as well as the cultural contacts between Nubia and Egypt. Contributions on language, writing, archaeology and cultural history appear in the series, as do anthologies, commemorative publications or exhibition catalogues.
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  • Volume
    • Art.-No./ISBN
    • Author
    • Date published
    • Title
    • Volume
78,00 Eur
Breyer, Francis 
Studien zum Napatanischen, Meroitischen und Altnubischen
78,00 Eur
Lohwasser, Angelika / Sörgel, Anne 
Die Stele SNM 1851 vom Jebel Barkal
98,00 Eur
Lohwasser, Angelika / Karberg, Tim / Auenmüller, Johannes (Ed.) 
Proceedings of the First International Conference on the Archaeology of the Bayuda Desert in Sudan

68,00 Eur
Kleinitz, Cornelia / Näser, Claudia (Ed.) 
Ethnographic Research in the Fourth Nile Cataract Region, Sudan

68,00 Eur
Zibelius-Chen, Karola 
Personennamen, Appellativa, Phrasen vom Neuen Reich bis in die napatanische und meroitische Zeit. Mit einem demotischen Anhang

54,00 Eur
Näser, Claudia / Lange, Mathias (Ed.) 
Berlin, August 4th-6th, 2005

108,00 Eur
Raunig, Walter / Wenig, Steffen (Ed.) 
Akten der Ersten Internationalen Littmann Konferenz 2. bis 5. Mai 2002 in München

78,00 Eur
Wenig, Steffen (Ed.) 
Akten des Symposiums vom 13. bis 14. Oktober 1999 in Berlin

128,00 Eur
Shinnie, Peter L / Anderson, Julie R (Ed.) 
Meroe Excavations 1973-1984

78,00 Eur
Lohwasser, Angelika 
25. Dynastie bis zur Zeit des Nastasen

138,00 Eur
Müller, Ingeborg 

74,00 Eur
Edwards, David N 
Preliminary Report on the Excavations 1997 in Courtvard 224 of the Great Enclosure

67,00 Eur
Fitzenreiter, Martin / Seiler, Anne / Gerullat, Ines 

94,00 Eur
Wenig, Steffen (Ed.) 
Akten der 7. Internationalen Tagung für meroitische Forschungen vom 14. bis 19. September 1992
