Hallesche Forschungen
On behalf of the Francke Foundations in Halle, recent research on Pietism and its early-modern field of specification is published in the Hallesche Forschungen series. Edited volumes on diverse topics as well as monographs concerning various fields of science, such as theology, medicine, history, music, German literature and paedagogy are included in this series. Multidisciplinary as well as interdisciplinary approaches and methods find expression in volumes resulting from conferences, thereby opening innovative perspectives for research. The focus of the series is on the study of Halle Pietism, the history and development of the Francke Foundations, and its international relations. The series Hallesche Forschungen also provides the possibility to publish doctoral or habilitation dissertations.
Contact: Franckesche Stiftungen Metta Scholz scholz@francke-halle.de Neumann, Josef N / Sträter, Udo (Ed.)
Beiträge des Internationalen Symposiums vom 12. - 15. 11.1997 in den Franckeschen Stiftungen zu Halle
Wallmann, Johannes / Sträter, Udo (Ed.)
Zur europäischen Ausstrahlung des hallischen Pietismus