Bockmann, Ralf / Leone, Anna / von Rummel, Philipp (Ed.)
Continuity and Change in North Africa from the Byzantine to the Early Islamic Age. Papers of a Conference held in Rome, Museo Nazionale Romano – Terme di Diocleziano, 28 February – 2 March 2013
Stavrakos, Christos (Ed.)
Proceedings of the International Symposium „Inscriptions: Their Contribution to the Byzantine and Post-Byzantine History and History of Art“ (Ioannina, June 26–27, 2015)
Popović, Mihailo
Eine Fallstudie zum spätbyzantinischen und osmanischen Makedonien
Stavrakos, Christos
The Legend of the Emperor Constantine IV. as Founder of Monasteries in Epirus
Stavrakos, Christos / Papadopoulou, Barbara (Ed.)
Ioannina 1.–3. October 2009
Chrysos, Evangelos / Letsios, Dimitrios / Richter, Heinz A. / Stupperich, Reinhard (Ed.)
Beiträge eines Symposions in Frankfurt 1996
Stavrakos, Christos / Wassiliou, Alexandra K / Krikorian, Mesrob K (Ed.)
Studien zur Byzantinistik, Armenologie und Georgistik. Festschrift für Werner Seibt zum 65. Geburtstag
Vashalomidze, Sophia G / Greisinger, Lutz (Ed.)
Gesammelte Studien zu Ehren Jürgen Tubachs anläßlich seines 60. Geburtstages
Kaufhold, Hubert (Ed.)
Koch, Guntram (Ed.)
Koch, Guntram (Ed.)
Koch, Guntram (Ed.)
Rosenthal-Heginbottom, Renate