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deutsche Version
Hüsken, Ute
Visnu's Children
Prenatal life-cycle rituals in South India - DVD
volume: 9 / DVD only
language: English
binding: DVD video
dimensions: 13.50 × 18.50 cm
weight: 120g
edition: 1. Auflage
publishing date: 08.01.2009
prices: 24,00 Eur[D] / 24,20 Eur[A]
ISBN: 978-3-447-05853-7
24,00 Eur

The ritual occasions represented on this DVD are enactments of the prenatal life-cycle ritual visnubali, "the offering to Visnu", which is specific to the Vaikhanasas, a group of South Indian Brahmin priests in Visnu temples. This ritual is performed in the eighth month of pregnancy. It enacts and marks a transformation of the unborn child. Visnubali, "the offering to the god Visnu", makes the unborn a Visnu devotee, and confers on it its future right to act as a temple priest in South Indian Visnu temples. The ritual is understood as a prenatal initiation, performed by the god Visnu himself: Visnu transforms the unborn into his own child.

The DVD cannot be run on a stand-alone NTSC DVD player. Original sound with English subtitles.

This DVD is also available as part of the book publication:

Hüsken, Ute: Visnu's Children. Prenatal life-Cycle rituals in South India. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz, 2009. ISBN: 978-3-447-05854-4
