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Mediterranean Language Review 25 (2018)
editor(s): Kappler, Matthias / Arnold, Werner / Stellino, Till / Voß, Christian
volume: 25 (2018)
pages/dimensions: 208 pages, 10 tables, 3 diagrams
language: deutsch, englisch
binding: Paperback
dimensions: 17,00 × 24,00 cm
weight: 418g
edition: annual
publishing date: 12.12.2018
prices: 99,00 Eur[D]
ISBN: 978-3-447-18022-1
99,00 Eur

The Mediterranean Language Review is an interdisciplinary peer-reviewed forum for the investigation of language and culture in the Mediterranean. Articles, reviews and review articles address issues relating to multiple aspects of Mediterranean languages, past and present. Among these are essays discussing linguistic contact and diffusion in the Mediterranean area and its hinterland, as well as interaction of language and culture in the region. Sociolinguistic aspects, religion and language, and linguistic stratification with areal typology and the languages of the Mediterranean littoral are focused on. Finally, the historical evolution and present state of languages spoken by small nations and ethnic minorities, ethnolinguistic studies on island communities in the Mediterranean, the interlinguas Kultursprachen and Mediterranean Lingua Franca, as well as approaches to Mediterranean lexicology sum up the journal’s objects of study.

From the contents (altogether 10 contributions):
Stefan Bojowald, Zu einigen Wortspielen mit dem altägyptischen Götternamen „inpw“ „Anubis“
Gisela Procházka-Eisl, A Suffix on the Move – Forms and Functions of the Turkish Suffix /-ci/ in Arabic Dialects
Dina Tsagari & Christina Nicole Giannikas, Early Language Learning in Private Language Schools in the Republic of Cyprus: Teaching Methods in Modern Times
Matthias Kappler & Stavroula Tsiplakou, Two Cypriot koinai? Structural and Sociolinguistic Considerations
Walter Puchner, Studien zur Geschichte und Sprache des traditionellen Schattentheaters im Mittelmeerraum
