more titles of the subject:
B. Kellner-Heinkele, Hommage à Denis Sinor
V. M. Alpatov, Phonetic and Grammatical Units in the European and Japanese Linguistic Traditions Á. Birtalan, Dudlaga. A Genre of Mongolian Shamanic Tradition E. V. Boikova, The Mongolian Factor in the History of Russia L. Johanson, „Der Orientalist“ als „Turkologe“ S. G. Klyashtorny, The Asian Aspect of the Early Khazar History H. Okada, J. Miyawaki-Okada, The Birth of the World History in the Mongol Empire: History Education in Modern Japan T. A. Pang, Three Versions of a Poem Composed by Emperor Qianlong R. Pop, La notion d’allié matrimonial chez les Mongols A. Pozzi, A Birthday Banquet for our Guest of Honour Professor Denis Sinor à la mode of the Ancestors of Manchu People J. Richard, La coopération militaire entre Francs et Mongols à l’épreuve: les campagnes de Ghazan en Syrie A. Róna-Tas, Etymological Notes on Hungarian gyapjú ‘wool’ V. Rybatzki, Genealogischer Stammbaum der Mongolen A. Sárközi, Conquering the World: The Linguistic Legerdemain of the Mongols A. M. Shcherbak, Some Words About the Project of an “Etymological Dictionary of the Manchu-Tungus Languages” |