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Aus dem Inhalt (38 Beiträge):
V. M. Alpatov, Female Variant of Japanese Z. Anayban, The Women of Tuva in the Context of the Transformation Period in Russia Á. Birtalan, Ada: A Harmful Female Spirit in the Mongolian Mythology and Folk Belief E. Boikova, Common-Law Marriage in Pre-Revolutionary Mongolia D. Chmielowska, The Image of Woman in Turkish Literature in the Second Half of the 20th Century M. Dobrovits, Maidens, Towers and Beasts M. R. Drompp, From Qatun to Refugee: The Taihe Princess among the Uighurs B. Frey Näf, Compared With the Women the … Menfolk have little Business of their own.“ – Gender Division of Labour in the History of the Mongols M. Gálik, The Twenty-Fourth Nasreddin? Two Women in Wang Meng‘s Xinjiang Stories J. Gießauf, Mulieres Bellatrices oder Apis Argumentosa? Aspekte der Wahrnehmung mongolischer Frauen in abendländischen Quellen des Mittelalters M. I. Gol’man, The Mongolian Women in the Russian Archives of the XVIIth Century W. Heissig, Zum Motiv der Hexenverbrennung in der Mongolischen Volksdichtung F. G. Hisamitdinova, The Place and Role of the Bashkir Woman in Family and Society: The Present and the Past |