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Texte und Studien zur Koptischen Bibel / Texts and Studies on the Coptic Bible
The series Texts and Studies on the Coptic Bible (TSKB) covers the whole spectrum of research on the Coptic Old and New Testament. The focus is on studies on the Coptic bible translation; topics range from textual scholarship, codicology, and paleography to linguistics and translation studies. Christian-Coptic literature, strongly influenced by translation of the bible, is also taken into consideration. Formally, the series consists of individual studies as well as edited volumes such as Festschriften and proceedings. The background is formed by new digital large-scale projects on the Coptic Bible and literature: By means of the new series TSKB, research results, satellite projects and qualification theses developed in the environment of these large-scale projects can now be conveyed to experts of various disciplines.
149,00 Eur
Atanassova, Diliana / Feder, Frank / Sternberg el-Hotabi, Heike (Ed.) 
Auf dem Pilgerweg durch 5000 Jahre ägyptische Geschichte über drei Kontinente. Heike Behlmer zum 65. Geburtstag
148,00 Eur
Nagel, Peter (Ed.) 
nach den Handschriften Ms. Or. 5000 der British Library zu London, Ms. n° 815 der Chester Beatty Library zu Dublin, und Ms. n° 167 der University of Michigan Library zu Ann Arbor
98,00 Eur
Nagel, Peter (Ed.) 
nach Ms. BL Or. 7594 der British Library mit dem ergänzenden Text und den Textvarianten des Papyrus Bodmer XVIII und der Handschrift M 566 der Morgan Library & Museum New York
78,00 Eur
Behlmer, Heike / Pietruschka, Ute / Feder, Frank (Ed.) 
Peter Nagel zum 80. Geburtstag
