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Interdisciplinary Polish and Ukrainian Studies
Edited by Dagmara Jajeśniak-Quast und Andrii Portnov
in collaboration with Rory Finnin, Teresa Gardocka, Natalia Khanenko-Friesen, Brian Porter-Szűcs, Magdalena Saryusz-Wolska and Yaroslav Prytula.

The Interdisciplinary Polish and Ukrainian Studies (IPUS) series is the continuation of the Interdisciplinary Polish Studies (IPS) series, in which the volumes 1-13 were published (from volume 9 onwards by Harrassowitz). The expansion of the series is directly related to the founding of the Viadrina Centre of Polish and Ukrainian Studies (VCPU) at the European University Viadrina Frankfurt (Oder) which replaced the Centre for Interdisciplinary Polish Studies in 2023. Since 2014 the series has been publishing the latest research on cultural, legal, economic and political aspects of Poland, Ukraine and East Central Europe in history and present. Polish and Ukrainian studies are seen as an integral part of regionally oriented research on East Central Europe. The VCPU complements research on Poland and Ukraine, which is traditionally characterised by the humanities, with economic and social science approaches and methods. The series takes various formats into account: thematic anthologies, monographs (including dissertations), source editions.

Editors of this series are Dagmara Jajeśniak-Quast and Andrii Portnov, who jointly direct the VCPU. They are supported by the scientific advisory board of the VCPU: Rory Finnin (University of Cambridge), Teresa Gardocka (SWPS University, Warsaw), Natalia Khanenko-Friesen (University of Alberta), Brian Porter-Szűcs (University of Michigan), Magdalena Saryusz-Wolska (German Historical Institute, Warsaw) and Yaroslav Prytula (Ukrainian Catholic University, Lviv).

An overview of all volumes already published can be found on the website of the European University Viadrina Frankfurt/Oder (external link):

Viadrina Center of Polish and Ukrainian Studies publication series

68,00 Eur
Sadecki, Daniel 
Dwumiasto Frankfurt nad Odrą – Słubice centrum gospodarczym pogranicza brandenbursko-lubuskiego: wizja czy rzeczywistość?

68,00 Eur
Czechowska, Ilona / Filipowicz-Tokarska, Ksymena / Keck-Szajbel, Mark / Małgorzewicz, Anna / Szajbel-Keck, Małgorzata (Ed.) 
Schlüssel zu Wisława Szymborskas Welten

89,00 Eur
Kowalski, Katharina Kinga 
Zur Frauen- und Geschlechterforschung im Polen der Transformationszeit

58,00 Eur

58,00 Eur
Flade, Falk / Steinkamp, Anna M. / Walerski, Konrad (Ed.) 
Voraussetzungen, Verlauf und Ergebnisse

68,00 Eur
Kamińska, Magdalena 
Kooperation und Konkurrenz zwischen der DDR und Polen im Wohnungsbauwesen der 1970er Jahre

58,00 Eur
Grelka, Frank / Rindlisbacher, Stephan (Ed.) 
A Document Collection on German and Polish Rural Soviets in Ukraine during the NEP, 1923–1929
