Interdisciplinary Polish and Ukrainian Studies
Edited by Dagmara Jajeśniak-Quast in cooperation with Andrea Löw, Andreas Ludwig, Brian Porter-Szűcs and Magdalena Saryusz-Wolska
Since 2014, the Centre for Interdisciplinary Polish Studies at the European University Viadrina Frankfurt (Oder) has been presenting the latest research results on cultural, legal, economic and political aspects of Poland in the past and present in its Interdisciplinary Polish and Ukrainian Studies series. This corresponds to the research profile of the centre. Polish Studies is understood as an integral part of a regionally based research on East Central Europe. The Frankfurt Centre complements the traditionally more humanities-based research on Poland with approaches and methods from the economic and social sciences. The series takes various formats into account: topical collected volumes, monographs (including dissertations), editions of primary sources. The editor is the Director of the Centre for Interdisciplinary Polish Studies, Prof. Dr. Dagmara Jajeśniak-Quast, in cooperation with the Centre's academic advisory board: Prof. Dr. Andrea Löw from the Institute of Contemporary History Munich - Centre for Holocaust Studies, Dr. Andreas Ludwig from the Centre for Contemporary History Potsdam, Prof. Dr. Brian Porter-Szűcs from the University of Michigan and PD Dr. Magdalena Saryusz-Wolska from the German Historical Institute Warsaw. An overview of all volumes already published can be found here: ➨Book Series of the Centre for Interdisciplinary Polish Studies Kowalski, Katharina Kinga
Zur Frauen- und Geschlechterforschung im Polen der Transformationszeit
Person, Katarzyna
Aus dem Polnischen von Anna Labentz
Flade, Falk / Steinkamp, Anna M. / Walerski, Konrad (Ed.)
Voraussetzungen, Verlauf und Ergebnisse
Kamińska, Magdalena
Kooperation und Konkurrenz zwischen der DDR und Polen im Wohnungsbauwesen der 1970er Jahre
Grelka, Frank / Rindlisbacher, Stephan (Ed.)
A Document Collection on German and Polish Rural Soviets in Ukraine during the NEP, 1923–1929