Handschriften des altägyptischen Totenbuches
Edited by Ursula Rößler-Köhler,
since volume 14 edited by Louise Gestermann and Christian Leitz The series, founded in 1995, first published works written in the context of or in connection with the project "Edition des altägyptischen Totenbuches vom Neuen Reich bis zur Römerzeit" [Edition of the Ancient Eyptian Book of the Deads from the New Kingdom until Roman Times] (Bonn/Köln). By now, it includes works from a wider sphere of Egyptology dealing with research on the Ancient Egyptian Book of the Dead. The series especially provides publications on various single sources by means of which this great funerary text collection is passed down Töpfer, Susanne / Müller-Roth, Marcus
Die Totenbücher des Monthemhat (pTübingen2012) und der Tanedjmet (pLouvre N 3085). Mit Farbtafeln auf CD-Rom
Munro, Irmtraut
(26. Dynastie, Zeit des Königs Amasis)
Backes, Burkhard
(pBerlin P. 3158, pBerlin P. 3159, pAberdeen ABDUA 84023)
Munro, Irmtraut
(pMoskau Puschkin-Museum I, 1b, 121)
Munro, Irmtraut
(pCologny Bodmer-Stiftung CV + pCincinnati Art Museum 1947.369 + pDenver Art Museum 1954.61)