Äthiopistische Forschungen
Edited by Aaron Butts
The monographic series Aethiopistische Forschungen, launched in 1977 by Ernst Hammerschmidt and continued by Siegbert Uhlig in 1994 and by Alessandro Bausi in 2012, is directed now by Aaron Butts. With more than 80 volumes already published and several in preparation, Aethiopistische Forschungen constitute by far the largest peer-reviewed, predominantly monographic series representing the whole spectrum of Ethiopian studies in the broadest sense: from book and text history to art history, from language studies to critical text editions, from theology to ethnography, from diplomatic history to modern literatures, from lexicographic and bibliographic studies to collections of papers on various topics. Authors from about 20 countries worldwide have contributed monographs, written in a variety of European languages (German, English, French, Italian). Gutgarts, Yaroslav / Busau, Filip
La Spisa, Paolo
Edizione critica e traduzione annotata. A cura di Paolo La Spisa. Presentazione di Alessandro Bausi
Kropp, Manfred / Stroomer, Harry (Ed.)
Tome III - Traductions et commentaires. B. Les inscriptions sémitiques par Abraham J. Drewes
Carter McCollum, Adam (Ed.)
Festschrift for Getatchew Haile
Eresso, Meron Zeleke
A study of Sufi Shrine in North Eastern Ethiopia
Heide, Martin
Die arabischen, äthiopischen und syrischen Textzeugen einer didaktischen Novelle aus der römischen Kaiserzeit Mit einem Beitrag von Stefan Weninger zur Übersetzungssprache der äthiopischen Version
Braukämper, Ulrich
The Traditional Socio-Religious System of the Hadiyya in Southern Ethiopia
Haile, Getatchew
Acts of Abba Bärtälomewos and Abba Yohannǝs 45 Miracles of Mary
Braukämper, Ulrich
Translated from German by Geraldine Krause
Heide, Martin
Edition und Übersetzung der arabischen und äthiopischen Versionen
Bustorf, Dirk
Geschichte und Erinnerung der muslimischen Silt’e Äthiopiens With an English Summary
Alehegne, Mersha
Critical Edition and Translation
Heide, Martin
Edition und Übersetzung der arabischen und äthiopischen Versionen
D'Avray, Anthony / Pankhurst, Richard (Ed.)
The despatches, memoranda, reports and correspondence describing and explaining the Stories of the Feudal Societies of the Red Sea Littoral from the Christian-Muslim Wars of the Sixteenth Century to the Establishment 1885-1901 of the Italian Colony of Eritrea
D'Avray, Anthony
The History of a Red Sea Society from the Sixteenth to the Nineteenth Centuries