Interkulturelle Rhizome
Edited by Joanna Godlewicz-Adamiec and Paweł Piszczatowski
The book series is aimed at the publication of scientifically high-quality works from the field of humanities that want to deal with questions of the interaction of cultural phenomena from a perspective that transcends historically and geographically defined boundaries. National and country-related approaches to questions of cultural identity and civilizational identification are to be subjected to a polymorphic critique. The goal to be pursued is the promotion of innovative research projects that subversively question the classic practices of academic processing of dia- and synchronically understood interculturality using the latest scientific methodologies and research approaches. Czachur, Waldemar / Jóskowiak, Przemysław / Kosacka, Małgorzata / Piszczatowski, Paweł (Ed.)
Obszyński, Michał / Sokołowicz, Małgorzata (Ed.)
Enjeux géopolitiques, identitaires et esthétiques / Geopolitical, Identity and Aesthetic Issues
Koźluk, Magdalena / Szkopiński, Łukasz (Ed.)
Sous la direction de Magdalena Koźluk et Łukasz Szkopiński
Godlewicz-Adamiec, Joanna / Piszczatowski, Paweł (Ed.)
Vormoderne Migrationsprozesse zwischen geschichtlichen Metanarrativen und Postkolonialismus