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Contributions to the Archaeology of Egypt, Nubia and the Levant
Edited by Manfred Bietak, Robert Rollinger, Rahim Shayegan and Willeke Wendrich

This series presents monographs and conference volumes about contemporary archaeological and historical research in Egypt, Nubia and the Levant, from prehistory until the spread of Islam. Altogether, it is a region in which numerous excavations are carried out and where new insights are continuously gained. They deserve to be presented in more detail to international scholarship. This series in its new form was stimulated by the results of the research of the ERC Advanced Grant “The Enigma of the Hyksos” which dealt with the whole region of the Levant and the Nile Delta in the Bronze Age. In the future this series will cover, however, a wider research area which will encompass also Mesopotamia and the Iran. All these regions were in antiquity more intertwined by trade, migration, technology transfer or by cultural interference than previously assumed. In times of increasing local specialisation this series will be a forum for interregional studies. Nubia and North-eastern Africa on the other hand seem to be a subject by itself. Remoter regions with a different cultural background will, however, bring alternative perspectives for the perception of the Ancient Near East.
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89,00 Eur
Budka, Julia / Lemos, Rennan (Ed.) 
Archaeological perspectives on the exploitation of natural resources and the circulation of commodities in the Middle Nile

128,00 Eur
Ilin-Tomich, Alexander 
Geography and Chronology of Production
89,00 Eur
Vilain, Sarah 
Crises et échanges pendant la Deuxième Période Intermédiaire:Tell el-Dabՙa, entre Méditerranée orientale et vallée du Nil

98,00 Eur
Priglinger, Elisa 
Überlegungen zum Ende der drei Reiche im alten Ägypten

138,00 Eur
Bietak, Manfred / Prell, Silvia (Ed.) 
Changing Clusters and Migration in the Near Eastern Bronze Age. Collected Papers of a Workshop held in Vienna 4th−6th of December 2019

98,00 Eur
Prell, Silvia 
Vorderasiatische Bestattungssitten im Ostdelta Ägyptens – eine Spurensuche

128,00 Eur
Mourad, Anna-Latifa 
Transforming Egypt into the New Kingdom. The Impact of the Hyksos and Egyptian-Near Eastern Relations

128,00 Eur
Bietak, Manfred / Prell, Silvia (Ed.) 
ASOR Conference Boston 2017 - ICAANE Conference Munich 2018 – Collected Papers

98,00 Eur
Bietak, Manfred / Matthiae, Paolo / Prell, Silvia (Ed.) 
Proceedings of a workshop held at the 10th ICAANE in Vienna, 25–26 April 2016
