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Historische Belarus-Studien
Edited by Thomas M.Bohn
The Republic of Belarus - located between Poland and Russia, Lithuania and the Ukraine - has an unusual position on Europe’s political map. It is a transitional region between East and West which in the course of its history witnessed a succession of rulers and regimes. As part of Kievan Rus’, the Grand Duchy of Lithuania, the Commonwealth of Poland, the Russian Empire, the Second Polish Republic, and the Soviet Union, the region underwent repeated attempts at its Polonization and Russification. Therefore, the series is devoted to culturally situating this people, including its Jewish diaspora over centuries. Apart from that, it takes a special interest in shedding light on the fate of individuals whose lives were strongly influenced by catastrophes like the Second World War and by historical breaks like the transition from an agrarian country to an industrial state.
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78,00 Eur
Siebert, Diana 
Politische Willkür, Geografismus oder Ethnizismus?
74,00 Eur
Siebert, Diana 
Landschaftsinterventionen und Social Engineering in Polesien von 1914 bis 1941
48,00 Eur
Astrouskaya, Tatsiana 
Intelligentsia, Samizdat and Nonconformist Discourses
58,00 Eur
Kouida, Artem 
Die Modernisierung der sowjetischen Peripherie (1965–1991)
58,00 Eur
Hierasimowicz, Konrad 
Weißrussische Geschichts- und Identitätsdiskurse im Zeitalter der Onlinemedien
38,00 Eur
Dalhouski, Aliaksandr 
Ökologische Krise und sozialer Kompromiss (1986-1996)
64,00 Eur
Mühlbauer, Julian 
Die Wohnungsfrage im Eingabewesen der Belorussischen Sowjetrepublik

64,00 Eur
Einax, Rayk 
Krisenbewältigung, sozioökonomische Dynamik und öffentliche Mobilisierung in der Belorussischen Sowjetrepublik 1953-1965

38,00 Eur
Bohn, Thomas / Einax, Rayk / Mühlbauer, Julian 
Erinnerungsorte zwischen polnisch-litauischer Union und russisch-sowjetischem Imperium
