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deutsche Version
Bar-Moshe, Assaf 
Grammatical sketch and texts
78,00 Eur
Olivieri, Simona / Talay, Shabo (Ed.) 
Proceedings of the Semitic Studies Section at the 34th DOT at Freie Universität Berlin
Shachmon, Ori 
The Jewish Varieties of Yemeni Arabic
Edzard, Lutz / Tirosh-Becker, Ofra (Ed.) 
Text specimens, grammatical, lexical, and cultural sketches
Edzard, Lutz (Ed.) 
Proceedings of the Erlangen Workshop on October 5 and 6, 2018
Müller, Alexander 
Spätbiblisches Hebräisch im Richterbuch
Lehnardt, Andreas (Ed.) 
„Le-Haman“ aus Frankfurt am Main
Wexler, Paul 
The birth of Yiddish and the multiethnic Jewish peoples on the Silk Roads, 9–13th centuries. The indispensable role of the Arabs, Chinese, Germans, Iranians, Slavs and Turks
Al-Khatib, Taqadum 
Korrelation von Sprache und Minderheit
Arnold, Werner 
Das Neuwestaramäische
Charlap, Luba Rachel 
Grammatical Concepts, Biblical Text Traditions, and Hermeneutic Aspects in the Constantinople Center (Late 11th–First Half of 14th Centuries)
Bar-Moshe, Assaf 
Phonology, Morphology, and Texts
58,00 Eur
Smola, Klavdia / Terpitz, Olaf (Ed.) 
Konstruktionen in Literatur und Kultur
Isaksson, Bo / Persson, Maria (Ed.) 
Proceedings of the International Symposium on Clause Linking in Semitic Languages, Kivik, Sweden, 5-7 August 2012. Edited by Bo Isaksson and Maria Persson
Künzli, Andreas 
Esperanto, Hillelismus (Homaranismus) und die "jüdische Frage" in Ost- und Westeuropa
148,00 Eur
Wexler, Paul 
With special Attention to Judaized Arabic, Chinese, German, Greek, Persian, Portuguese, Slavic (Modern Hebrew/Yiddish), Spanish, and Karaite, and Semitic Hebrew/Ladino. A Collection of Reprinted Articles from Across Four Decades with a Reassessment
48,00 Eur
Zachmann-Czalomón, Isolde 
19,00 Eur
Hetzer, Armin 
Judeo-espanol, Djudeszmo. Einführung in die Umgangssprache der südosteuropäischen Juden
34,00 Eur
Muraoka, Takamitsu 
An Annotated Chrestomathy with an Outline Grammar and a Glossary
