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Studies in the History of Christianity in the Non-Western World
Edited by Klaus Koschorke and Johannes Meier
This trilingual series, founded in 1998, has established itself as a forum of international and interdisciplinary research on central topics of the history of Christianity in Asia, Africa, and Latin America. It is long since Christianity was primarily a Western religion. The majority of the Christian world population lives in the so-called “global South.” Thus, a new historiography is required doing justice to altered ecumenical conditions. The series offers a platform for works on the history of Christianity in the context of particular regions and especially for studies dealing with trans-continental networks and comprehensive developments from a comparative perspective.
Franz Xaver, die Gesellschaft Jesu und die katholische Weltkirche im Zeitalter des Barock
Editor(s): Meier, Johannes (Ed.)

48,00 Eur
Deutsche Protestanten im brasilianischen Kaiserreich am Beispiel der Gemeinden in Rio de Janeiro und Minas Gerais (1822-1889)
Author(s): Spliesgart, Roland

48,00 Eur
Die britische Indianermission in der atlantischen Welt des 18. Jahrhunderts
Author(s): Kirchberger, Ulrike

56,00 Eur
Lutherische Missions- und Siedlergemeinden in Südafrika im Spannungsfeld der Rassentrennung (1652–1910)
Author(s): Hohmann, Christian

48,00 Eur
The Historiography of Ethiopian Pentecostalism
Author(s): Haustein, Jörg

38,00 Eur
Die Rolle der Auslandsarbeit von den Anfängen bis in die 1920er Jahre
Editor(s): Lessing, Hanns / Besten, Julia / Dedering, Tilman / Hohmann, Christian / Kriel, Lize (Ed.)

86,00 Eur
Studien zu Bekehrung, Konfessions- und Religionswechsel / Studies on Conversion and Religious Belonging
Editor(s): Lienemann-Perrin, Christine / Lienemann, Wolfgang (Ed.)

98,00 Eur
the Impact of Overseas Work from the Beginnings until the 1920s On behalf of the Sponsors and the Academic Advisory Council of the Study Process on the Role of the German Protestant Work Overseas in Colonial Southern Africa
Editor(s): Lessing, Hanns / Besten, Julia / Dedering, Tilman / Hohmann, Christian / Kriel, Lize (Ed.)

86,00 Eur
Die Rolle der Katholischen Kirche und des Erzbischofs Arturo Rivera y Damas im Friedensprozess in El Salvador (1980–1992)
Author(s): Purrer Guardado, Ulrike

58,00 Eur
Postkoloniale Religionsgeschichtsschreibung am Beispiel des „Mukti Revival“
Author(s): Suarsana, Yan

88,00 Eur
Editor(s): Reinhard, Wolfgang / Linkenbach-Fuchs, Antje / Fuchs, Martin (Ed.)

118,00 Eur
Protestantismus zwischen dem südlichen Afrika und Deutschland von den 1930er Jahren bis in die Apartheidzeit / Protestantism between Southern Africa and Germany from the 1930s to the Apartheid Era
Editor(s): Lessing, Hanns / Dedering, Tilmann / Kampmann, Jürgen / Smit, Dirkie (Ed.)

68,00 Eur
Die Genese einer missionsunabhängigen schwarzen Kirche im transatlantischen Dreieck USA-Südafrika-Ostafrika (1921–1950)
Author(s): Burlacioiu, Ciprian

68,00 Eur
Geschichte und theologische Würdigung eines ambivalenten Vorschlages
Author(s): Omar Ruz, Matías

84,00 Eur
Conflicting Discourses on New Forms of African Christianity
Editor(s): Hock, Klaus (Ed.)

48,00 Eur
Studien zur Kirchengeschichte Lateinamerikas und der Karibik
Author(s): Meier, Johannes
Editor(s): Langenhorst, Annegret / Nebgen, Christoph / Straßner, Veit (Ed.)

49,00 Eur
Journale asiatischer und afrikanischer Christen um 1900 und die Entstehung einer transregionalen indigen-christlichen Öffentlichkeit. Journals of Asian and African Christians Around 1900 and the Making of a Transregional Indigenous-Christian Public Sphere
Editor(s): Koschorke, Klaus / Hermann, Adrian / Ludwig, Frieder / Burlacioiu, Ciprian (Ed.)

59,00 Eur
Contested Interpretations in the History of Christianity in South Africa and Beyond
Author(s): Gräper, Moritz

58,00 Eur
Theological, political and social interactions between Africa, Asia, the Americas and Europe
Editor(s): Ludwig, Frieder / Richebächer, Wilhelm / Laaser, Mirjam / Ekué, Amélé / Pong, Pui-Yee (Ed.)

58,00 Eur
Der ‚Christian Patriot‘ und die indigen-christliche Presse im kolonialen Indien um 1900
Editor(s): Koschorke, Klaus (Ed.)

68,00 Eur
Die Bulle Reversurus (1867) und das armenisch-katholische Schisma in seinen transnationalen Auswirkungen
Author(s): Kartashyan, Mariam

58,00 Eur
Eine lateinamerikanisch-ökumenische Perspektive
Editor(s): Meier, Johannes (Ed.)

58,00 Eur
The Independent Catholics in Ceylon and India in the late Nineteenth and Early Twentieth Centuries
Editor(s): Jiang, Wei (Ed.)

55,00 Eur
Edited by Klaus Koschorke, Ciprian Burlăcioiu and Philipp Kuster
Editor(s): Koschorke, Klaus / Burlăcioiu, Ciprian / Kuster, Philipp (Ed.)

58,00 Eur
Dokumente zur Außereuropäischen Christentumsgeschichte
Minutes of the Consistory of the Dutch Reformed Church in Colombo (1735–1797). Held at the Wolvendaal Church, Colombo (1735-1797). Translated by Samuel A. W. Mottau. Edited by Klaus Koschorke
Editor(s): Koschorke, Klaus (Ed.)

98,00 Eur
'Malabarian Correspondence' between German Pietist Missionaries and South Indian Hindus(1712 – 1714)

68,00 Eur
A Documentary Sourcebook from Selected Journals
Editor(s): Koschorke, Klaus / Hermann, Adrian / Mogase, E. Phuti / Burlacioiu, Ciprian (Ed.)

92,00 Eur