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wird die Bezahlung nur per PayPal möglich. Der Download dieser Produkte wird bereitgestellt, wenn die Bezahlung bestätigt ist. This commemorative publication honors the renowned Islamic scholar Irene Schneider with 16 essays from German and international colleagues on the occasion of her 65th birthday.
The contibutions by Kai Ambos, Werner Diem, Robert Gleave, Verena Klemm, Silvia Tellenbach, Roman Loimeier, Ido Shahar, Knut S. Vikør, Nadjma Yassari, Noorhaidi Hasan, Euis Nurlaelawati, Nijmi Edres, Dörthe Engelcke, Werner Schwartz, Kamran Arjomand, Mohsen Zakeri and Mahmud El-Wereny reflect the broad expertise of Irene Schneider. In particular, Islamic studies, gender studies and Islamic law with their different, often complementary approaches should be mentioned here. The articles cover a broad geographical range „between Morocco and Indonesia and beyond“, including North Africa, Iran, Israel/Palestine, Jordan, Turkey, India, Indonesia as well as Germany. The articles offer a valuable overview of Irene Schneider’s academic interests and her position in the scientific community. |