Lichtenberger, Achim / Witte, Markus (Hg.)
Matthiae, Paolo (Hg.)
Studies on the Archaeology, History, and Philology of Ancient Syria
Achenbach, Reinhard / Neumann, Hans / Otto, Eckart / Pfeifer, Guido (Hg.)
Ruffing, Kai / Truschnegg, Brigitte / Rudigier, Andreas / Degen, Julian / Fink, Sebastian / Schnegg, Kordula (Hg.)
Al-Mutawalli, Nawala Ahmed / Ismael, Khalid Salim / Sallaberger, Walther
Documents of Umma’s Administration in the Early Old Babylonian Period. With a contribution by Adelheid Otto
Kolińska, Xenia / Koliński, Rafał / Ławecka, Dorota
Coins, Glass, Inscriptions, Pipes, Pottery, Reliefs
Lichtenberger, Achim / Witte, Markus (Hg.)
Nawotka, Krzysztof / Agnieszka, Wojciechowska (Hg.)
Vilain, Sarah
Crises et échanges pendant la Deuxième Période Intermédiaire:Tell el-Dabՙa, entre Méditerranée orientale et vallée du Nil
Hätinen, Aino
Mit Beiträgen von Hanspeter Schaudig. Keilschrifttexte aus Assur literarischen Inhalts 17
Ambos, Claus / Heeßel, Nils P. / Meinhold, Wiebke (Hg.)
Festschrift für Stefan M. Maul
Krause, Joachim J. / Markl, Dominik / Weingart, Kristin (Hg.)
Festschrift für Wolfgang Oswald zu seinem fünfundsechzigsten Geburtstag
De Ridder, Jacob Jan / Stein, Peter (Hg.)
Essays dedicated to Manfred Krebernik during the Colloquium Held on March 17–18, 2022 at Friedrich Schiller University Jena
Cantera, Alberto / Redard, Céline
Translated from French into English by Richard Tahmaseb Niroumand
Lichtenberger, Achim / Witte, Markus (Hg.)
Lichtenberger, Achim / Witte, Markus (Hg.)
Archi, Alfonso / Spada, Gabriella
(Archive L. 2769)
Ulanowski, Krzysztof / Burliga, Bogdan (Hg.)
Studies in Ancient History, Warfare and Art Presented to Nick Sekunda on his Seventieth Birthday
Matthiae, Paolo (Hg.)
Studies on the Archaeology, History, and Philology of Ancient Syria
Daryaee, Touraj / Rollinger, Robert / Canepa, Matthew P. (Hg.)
Proceedings of the Third Payravi Conference on Ancient Iranian History, UC Irvine, February 24th–25th, 2020
Marchetti, Nicolò / Campeggi, Michael / Cavaliere, Francesca / D’Orazio, Claudia / Giacosa, Gabriele / Mariani, Eleonora (Hg.)
Proceedings of the International Congress on the Archaeology of the Ancient Near East
Proceedings of the 12th ICAANE 2021, Bologna 06-09 April 2021, Bologna. Vol. 1: Environmental Archaeology. Hammering the Material World. Cognitive Archaeology. Modeling the Past. Networked Archaeology. Endangered Cultural Heritage
Jansen-Winkeln, Karl
Inschriften der Spätzeit:
Teil V: Die 27.–30. Dynastie und die Argeadenzeit. Band 1: Kambyses – Tachos. Band 2: Nektanebos II. – 4. Jahrhundert insgesamt
Strupler, Néhémie
Analyse de l'occupation de l'âge du Bronze de la Westterrasse Analyse de l'occupation de l'âge du Bronze de la Westterrasse
Marchetti, Nicolò / Cavaliere, Francesca / Cirelli, Enrico / D’Orazio, Claudia / Giacosa, Gabriele / Guidetti, Mattia / Mariani, Eleonora (Hg.)
Proceedings of the International Congress on the Archaeology of the Ancient Near East
Proceedings of the 12th ICAANE 2021, Bologna 06-09 April 2021, Bologna. Vol. 2: Field Reports. Islamic Archaeology
Archi, Alfonso
(Archive L. 2769)