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The book is dedicated to the memory of the late Professor Hanna Szymańska, written by eminent scholars, representing the fields of Egyptology, Classical Archaeology, Early Christian Studies and Conservation of Artefacts.
Most of the studies are related to discoveries made by Hanna Szymańska in Egypt, at Tell Atrib and Marea. Some of the sensational discoveries unearthed recently at the Byzantine basilica at Mareao are presented here for the first time by K. Babraj, T. Derda, E. Jastrzębowska, and B. Lichocka. A group of articles is reminiscent of H. Szymańska’s studies on Egyptian terracottas from ancient Athribis. K. Myśliwiec presents the actual stage of research. S. Jędraszek discusses social implications of some types of Hellenistic figurines, P. Ballet analyses Early Christian terracottas from other sites, while N. Willburger proposes a new interpretation of the iconographic topos depicting an old drunken woman. Other contributions concern the sites of Deir el-Bahari (E. Laskowska-Kusztal), Dendera (A. Łukaszewicz) and Shenhur (T. Górecki, A. Południkiewicz). There is also a study on ancient stomatological instruments (A. Krug), an analysis of the relationships between Christian and Islamic religious texts (K. Kościelniak) and a description of Józef Sękowski’s journey to Egypt and Nubia in 19th century (J. Śliwa). G. Korpal analyses the conservation work on a modern sculpture, and T. Żurkowska describes the ambience of the excavations mission directed by H. Szymańska in a humourus way. A scientific biography of Hanna Szymańska, written by M. Dzielska, is found at the beginning of the book. |