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english version
Richter, Heinz A.
History of the Island of Cyprus. Part 2: 1950–1959
Bandnummer: 110
Umfang/Format: 534 pages, 116 ill., 1 folded map
Sprache: English
Ausstattung: Book (Hardback)
Abmessungen: 17.00 × 24.00 cm
Erscheinungsdatum: 25.06.2021
Preise: 60,00 Eur[D] / 61,70 Eur[A]
ISBN: 978-3-447-11659-6
60,00 Eur

This study deals with the History of Cyprus from 1950 to 1959
It is the English translation of Peleus 35


1950-1954: The Route to the Struggle for Independence
1955: Begin and Escalation of the Rebellion
Violence and Counterviolence
1957: Internationalisation of the Conflict and Internal Confrontation
1958: Search for a Solution and Intensification of the Internal Conflicts
1959. The Treaties of Zurich and London
Final Results and Conclusions
The Zurich Treaties
Index of Names
