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english version
Zomer, Elyze
Middle Babylonian Literary Texts from the Frau Professor Hilprecht Collection, Jena
Bandnummer: 12
Umfang/Format: X, 94 pages, 13 plates, 3 tabels
Sprache: English
Ausstattung: Book (Hardback)
Abmessungen: 21.00 × 29.70 cm
Erscheinungsdatum: 12.08.2019
Preise: 68,00 Eur[D] / 70,00 Eur[A]
ISBN: 978-3-447-11256-7
Printed Version
68,00 Eur
E-Book (pdf)
68,00 Eur
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This volume contains editions of literary fragments from the Middle Babylonian period (ca. 1500–1000 BCE) kept in the Hilprecht-Collection in Jena. Presented in full are The Epic of Gulkišar (HS 1885+), a Mythological Narrative on Pa(p)nigara (HS 1886), a Ceremony in the Ekur (HS 1902), and the Games Text (HS 1893), with introductions, transliterations, translations, philological commentaries, hand copies and photographs.
All texts are of special interest; The Epic of Gulkišar is a Middle Babylonian copy narrating the heroic deeds of its eponymous Sealand I king against Samsuditana, the last king of the First Dynasty of Babylon, the Mythological Narrative on Pa(p)nigara portrays the otherwise poorly known deity Pa(p)nigara, the Ceremony in the Ekur tells us of an hitherto unknown ceremony carried out at the Ekur temple in Nippur, and the Games Text is unique in the fact that it enumerates a great variety of children’s games set in daily life Babylon.
