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english version
Journal of Asian History 49 (2015) 1+2
Bandnummer: 49 (2015) 1+2
Umfang/Format: IV, 266 pages, 20 ill., 21 maps, 2 tables; 24 × 17 cm
Anzahl Bände: 2 issues
Sprache: english
Ausstattung: Paperback
Gewicht: 520g
Edition: semi annual
Erscheinungsdatum: 01.01.2015
Preise: 118,00 Eur[D]
ISBN: 978-3-447-10520-0
118,00 Eur

This volume assembles a good dozen of papers that had been contributed to an international conference organized in the frame of cooperation between the Department of Sinology, University of Bonn, and the School of History, Nanjing University, in January 2014, hosted by Prof. Dr. Ralph Kauz. It presents and discusses geographical and cartographical knowledge about the area situated at the core of several inner-Asian routes from an Asian perspective.
The articles focusing on Chinese viewpoints regarding Central Asia comprise studies on the earliest Chinese maps of Central Asia and the Silk road, dating from the 13th century, on Central Asian place names in the famous Kangnido map, on 16th-century knowledge of Central Asia gained from Chinese gazetteers and officials in Northwest China, on court cartographers of the Ming empire, on the Ferghana Valley as described in Chinese geographical sources probably datable to the fifteenth century, and on Chen Cheng and other Chinese authors giving information on the routes in Central Asia during the Ming dynasty (1368-1644).
Views on Central Asia from other than China’s perspective comprise early Mongolian geographical conceptions of Central Asia, the view from the Mamluk Sultanate on Mongol Central Asia, the relations of the geography of Ḥāfiẓ-i Abrū with Rashīd al-dīn’s works, Marco Polo’s description of Khotan, Muscovite cartography on Inner Asia, Medieval Chinese and Muslim Descriptions of Eastern Afghanistan from the 7th to the 10th century and, last but not least, a study on the Tianshan Mountains that can be considered to represent the core of Central Asia.
