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wird die Bezahlung nur per PayPal möglich. Der Download dieser Produkte wird bereitgestellt, wenn die Bezahlung bestätigt ist. Marek Buchmann’s catalogue of stone inscriptions – the second part of a two-volume study* – is even for Thailand the first of its kind; there is no other epigraphic catalogue in print. It combines and compares all available metadata, all indices and all publications available. Every source is treated equally. Publications in European languages and indices are included in the same way as Thai publications. The main catalogue now covers all stone inscriptions from Northern provinces of Thailand. In addition to all data already compiled, the catalogue supplies new unpublished metadata. All information is published in English, giving even non-Thai researchers access to the huge mass of inscriptional material for the first time. A text carved in stone does not change over time (unlike its supporting material), but readings and interpretations by different philologists do. With this catalogue, finally a proper inscriptional corpus was compiled. It is the necessary basis for the glossary as the first part, and it is an important and useful tool for any other researcher.
* 73,1 Glossary in preparation. |