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Journal of Asian History 52 (2018) 2
Bandnummer: 52 (2018) 2
Umfang/Format: 162 pages, 2 ill., 2 maps, 1 table
Sprache: english
Ausstattung: Paperback
Gewicht: 338g
Edition: semi annual
Erscheinungsdatum: 12.12.2018
Preise: 59,00 Eur[D]
ISBN: 978-3-447-18021-4
59,00 Eur

The geographical scope of the Journal of Asian History is as vast as Asia itself. Its historical scope encompasses all periods, yet with a focus on the time before 1900. It is the editors’ hope that contributors will freely develop the “Through the Looking-Glass” aspect of history by implementing a variety of methodological approaches and utilizing a wide range of textual and non-textual sources. In particular, they welcome explorations of particular phenomena or events that provide insight into the dynamics of historical processes, elucidate historical change at turning points of history, and illuminate the conditions of all things that follow them. The journal publishes contributions in English and German.

From the contents (altogether 11 contributions):
Dilnoza Duturaeva, Qarakhanid Envoys to Song China
Hyunhee Park, The World Map Produced in Korea in 1402 and Its Possible Sources from the Islamic World
Roderich Ptak, Sailing Routes as Mental Constructs: Preliminary Notes on their Semantic Dimensions and Assumed Functions
Chan Ying-kit, The Odyssey of a Guangdong Official: Deng Chengxiu and Late Qing Political Culture
Iwaki Takahiro, Burmese Subordinate Officials and British Colonial Rule in the Late Nineteenth Century: Significance of Petitions Submitted by a Circle Headman of the Thongwa District
