Archivum Ottomanicum concerns itself primarily with Ottoman history and Ottoman philology. However, the editors also welcome articles on subjects related to Ottoman studies in the history and culture of Europe, including Danubian Europe, the Black Sea area and the Caucasus, and in the history and culture of the Arab and the Iranian lands as well as Byzantium. The publication of historical documents and records and their interpretation are of special interest.
From the contents (altogether 21 contributions): Şerife Eroğlu Memiş, Vakfın ta‘mir, termîm ve bekâ-i aynı: Osmanlı’dan İngiliz yönetimine Kudüs’te vakıf mülklerin ihyası meselesi Rana von Mende-Altaylı, Gesellschaftsleben der Geschlechter im privaten Raum in den spätosmanischen und frührepublikanischen Benimmbüchern Federico Cortigiani, The Spanish in the Spice Islands according to the Ḥadīs-i Nev: historical-geographical knowledge and expansion ambitions in a sixteenth-century Ottoman treatise Selim Güngörürler, The belated consummation of the Ottoman–Safavid peace of Zuhab, 1639–1643 Sultan Murat Topçu, On the origin of the “Köprülü” epithet Dimitrios K. Lamprakis, Holy tax farmers and factional leaders: Provincial bishops in the Ottoman era of decentralisation and experimentation, the cases of the bishops of Servia and Kozani (1745–1785) Bill Hickman, Abdurrahim Tirsi and his Diva |