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english version
Attinger, Pascal
Glossaire sumérien–français
principalement des textes littéraires paléobabyloniens. troisième édition
Sprache: French
Ausstattung: Book (Hardback)
Abmessungen: 17.00 × 24.00 cm
Erscheinungsdatum: 31.07.2027
Preise: ca. 168,00 Eur[D] / 172,80 Eur[A]
ISBN: 978-3-447-12236-8
For the year 2027 Pascal Attinger is preparing a significantly expanded third edition of his Glossaire sumérien–français principalement des textes littéraires paléobabyloniens (Sumerian – French Glossary, Primarily Based on Old Babylonian Literary Texts) since the first edition is out of print and the second is only available as a digital file on the internet. The new edition attempts to fill one of the most glaring gaps in modern Sumerology by providing a much-needed printed glossary that meets scholarly standards. The work does not aim for completeness, but offers an extensive selection of words from Old Babylonian literary texts from the beginning of the 2nd millennium BC. Particular attention was paid to idiomatic expressions of the type ‘noun (+ noun) + verb’, e.g. si “horn” + gu3 “voice” + ra “to beat” = “to sound the horn.” More than one thousand five hundred of such expressions have been registered.
In more than 5,000 lexicographical notes, some of which are very extensive, Pascal Attinger clarifies the reading of difficult lexemes, discusses the meaning of rare or unclear terms and provides a detailed bibliography which will facilitate further research. The glossary is preceded by a catalog of the works cited with numerous bibliographical references and, where applicable, information on new duplicates, a comprehensive discussion of the importance of a consistent transliteration as well as a concordance of common readings and those adopted in the glossary.
