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english version
Turkic Languages 22 (2018) 2
Herausgeber: Johanson, Lars
Bandnummer: 22,2 (2018)
Umfang/Format: 154 pages, 7 ill.
Sprache: English
Ausstattung: Paperback
Abmessungen: 17,00 × 24,00 cm
Gewicht: 322g
Edition: semi-annual
Erscheinungsdatum: 12.12.2018
Preise: 59,00 Eur[D]
ISBN: 978-3-447-18027-6
59,00 Eur

The journal Turkic Languages is devoted to linguistic Turcology. It addresses descriptive, comparative, synchronic, diachronic, theoretical, and methodological problems of the study of Turkic languages including questions of genetic, typological and areal relations, linguistic variation, and language acquisition. The journal aims at presenting work of current interest on a variety of subjects, and thus welcomes contributions on all aspects of Turkic language studies. It contains articles, review articles, reviews, discussions, reports, and surveys of publications.
The journal uses a double blind review system in selecting articles for publication. The preferred language of publication is English.

From the contents (altogether 8 contributions):
Jaklin Kornfilt, NP versus DP: Which one fits Turkish nominal phrases better?
Hasmik Kirakosyan & Ani Sargsyan, The educational role of the Late Medieval Persian-Ottoman Turkish bilingual dictionaries. The codices of the Matenadaran
Henryk Jankowski, Krymchak language samples
Irina Nevskaya & Larisa Tybykova & Mikhail Vavulin & Olga Zaytseva & Evgeniy Vodyasov, 3D documentation of Old Turkic Altai runiform inscriptions and revised readings of the inscriptions Tuekta-V and Bichiktu-Boom-III
Elisabetta Ragagnin, A Turcological gem: The Tuhan language of Northern Mongolia
Gregory D. S. Anderson, The multi-functional converb -GAš and related forms in Sayan Turkic
Chris Lasse Däbritz, On kim, kimneː- and kańaː-. Three placeholder items in Dolgan
