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Veröffentlichungen der Indologischen Kommission der Akademie der Wissenschaften und der Literatur, Mainz
Edited by Walter Slaje
The focus of this monograph series, published by the Fächergruppenkommission für Außereuropäische Sprachen und Kulturen der Mainzer Akademie der Wissenschaften, is on historically accentuated research on India, based on the analysis of primary sources in early Indian languages. The series is therefore essentially oriented towards cultural history. Accordingly, it is open to all historical aspects of the Indian cultural area, such as the intellectual history, the history of ideas and religion, Indian belles-lettres, the autochthonous sciences as well as the pre-modern social and political history of India.
Teil 1: Disziplinarrecht: Parajika bis Sanghadisesa (Z 1–132) Teil 2: Disziplinarrecht: Aniyata bis Pacittiya der Nonnen (Z 133–278) Teil 3: Verfahrensrecht und Vermischtes: Mahavagga bis Parivara (Z 279–469)
Author(s): Kieffer-Pülz, Petra

254,00 Eur
Ein politisches Sittengemälde aus dem indischen Mittelalter. Kalhaṇas Rājataraṅginī (Buch 7). Mit annotierter Übersetzung kritisch neu herausgegeben von Walter Slaje
Editor(s): Slaje, Walter (Ed.)

89,00 Eur
Ein Herrscherportrait aus dem mittelalterlichen Indien
Author(s): Wilke, Theresa

58,00 Eur
1. Teil: Bücher I–V
Editor(s): Raik, Strunz (Ed.)

78,00 Eur
On the so-called Bhaikṣukī or Saindhavī Script of the Sāṃmitīyas and their Canon
Author(s): Dimitrov, Dragomir

68,00 Eur
Vācissara’s Sīmālaṅkārasaṅgaha
Author(s): Kieffer-Pülz, Petra

58,00 Eur
Anonymus Casmiriensis, Mokṣopāya. Historico-Critical Complete Edition.
Edited by Walter Slaje
Mokṣopāya (“Path to Liberation”) forms part of the Sanskrit literature composed in 10th century Kashmir. It contains a didactically structured philosophical attempt at explaining the world by making use of the stylistic means of refined Sanskrit poetry and of the art of narration. The overall aim of its philosophical dialogue consists in deliverance from the cycle of rebirth with a strong emphasis on the fulfilment of social duties decisive for the active life of a pre-modern Indian householder (jīvanmukti). An imperative need of escapism is strongly denied.
The complete edition of this work, which comprises approximately 30,000 stanzas, is organized as follows:
1. Historico-critical edition of the Sanskrit text.
2. Philological translation with annotations.
3. Textual commentaries.
Prof. Dr. Walter Slaje
Mokṣopāya – Yogavāsiṣṭha – Laghuyogavāsiṣṭha
Author(s): Krause, Anett / Anonymus Casmiriensis

68,00 Eur
Historisch-kritische Textedition
Historico-critical edition of the Sanskrit text
Kritische Edition
Author(s): Anonymus Casmiriensis
Editor(s): Krause-Stinner, Susanne (Ed.)

72,00 Eur
Kritische Edition
Author(s): Anonymus Casmiriensis
Editor(s): Hanneder, Jürgen / Stephan, Peter / Jager, Stanislav (Ed.)

118,00 Eur
Kritische Edition
Author(s): Anonymus Casmiriensis
Editor(s): Krause-Stinner, Susanne / Stephan, Peter (Ed.)

69,00 Eur
Kritische Edition
Author(s): Anonymus Casmiriensis
Editor(s): Krause-Stinner, Susanne / Stephan, Peter (Ed.)

88,00 Eur
Kritische Edition
Author(s): Anonymus Casmiriensis
Editor(s): Krause-Stinner, Susanne / Stephan, Peter (Ed.)

118,00 Eur
Kritische Edition von Susanne Krause-Stinner und Anett Krause unter Mitwirkung von Peter Stephan
Author(s): Anonymus Casmiriensis
Editor(s): Krause-Stinner, Susanne / Krause, Anett (Ed.)

128,00 Eur
Mokṣopāya – Yogavāsiṣṭha – Laghuyogavāsiṣṭha
Author(s): Krause, Anett / Anonymus Casmiriensis

68,00 Eur
Textual commentaries