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english version
Talking Literature
Essays on Chinese and Biblical Writings and Their Interaction
Herausgeber: Findeisen, Raoul David / Slobodník, Martin
Bandnummer: 65
Umfang/Format: XLVIII, 271 pages
Sprache: English
Ausstattung: Book (Paperback)
Abmessungen: 17.00 × 24.00 cm
Gewicht: 600g
Edition: 1. Auflage
Erscheinungsdatum: 11.01.2014
Preise: 64,00 Eur[D] / 65,80 Eur[A]
ISBN: 978-3-447-10115-8
64,00 Eur
E-Book (pdf)
64,00 Eur
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This volume presents the following articles: Raoul David Findeisen, Reflecting on Cyril and Methodius and Their Mission of Mediation; Marián Gálik, On the “Seven Elders” of the Symposium; Tang Yijie, Constructing “Chinese Philosophy” in Sino-European Cultural Exchanges; Jana Benická & Miloš Hubina, Gongsun Long – A Somehow Aristotelian Reading; Richard Trappl, A Poem on Poetry: Lu Ji’s Wen fu – Random Reflections on Translating the “Ineffable”; Vena Hrdlicková, Poetic Principles of Chinese Storytellers in Their Own Interpretation; Amira Katz-Goehr, Becoming an Immortal – Time and Anxiety in Liaozhai zhiyi; Irene Eber, Remarks on the Intercultural Nature of Bible Translation; Lihi Yariv-Laor, “Are You My Brother?” Cultural Intricacies in the Chinese Bible; Monica Romano, The Reception of Christianity in China: Terminological Issues in Bible Translation; Martin Slobodník, Early Contacts Between the Austro-Hungarian Empire and China: The Zichy Brothers in East Asia; Raoul David Findeisen, “God Was Their Souls’ Love, Women Their Bodies’”. Two Chinese Versions of the Song of Songs (1930/32); Yan Jiayan, An Enquiry into “Wholesale Anti-Traditionalism” of May Fourth; Li Ling, The Complexity of Maternal Love in Bing Xin’s Writings; Mabel Lee, On the Position of the Writer: Lu Xun and Gao Xingjian; Barbora Vesterová, Changing the Expression and Expressing the Change in Guo Moruo’s Poetry; Chen Peng-hsiang, Identity and Subjectivity in Yip Wai-lim’s Poetry; Ylva Monschein, “Ripples Sifting Sand”. Flows of Press Freedom in the Chinese Public Sphere; Luboš Gajdoš, The Grammatical Category of Aspect and Tense in Chinese and Slovak. The volume includes a glossary with an index of names and terms.
