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ca. 59,00 Eur
Pohl, Antonia / Streck, Michael P. (Ed.) 
11. Internationales Colloquium der Deutschen Orientgesellschaft, 16.-19. Juni 2022 in Leipzig
Al-Mutawalli, Nawala Ahmed / Ismael, Khalid Salim / Sallaberger, Walther 
Documents of Umma’s Administration in the Early Old Babylonian Period. With a contribution by Adelheid Otto
Kolińska, Xenia / Koliński, Rafał 
Coins, Glass, Inscriptions, Pipes, Pottery, Reliefs
Puljiz, Ivana 
Eine vergleichende Untersuchung der mittel- und spätbronzezeitlichen Perlenassemblagen
ca. 75,00 Eur
Wilhelm, Gernot 
Heft 6. Rechtsurkunden und Briefe
Kolińska, Xenia / Koliński, Rafał / Ławecka, Dorota 
30,00 Eur
Lichtenberger, Achim / Witte, Markus (Ed.) 
98,00 Eur
Nawotka, Krzysztof / Agnieszka, Wojciechowska (Ed.) 
Meyer, Jan-Waalke / Tamm, Alexander (Ed.) 
Mit Beiträgen von Patrick Biedermann, Caitlin J. Chaves Yates und Sarah Nina Mann
Vilain, Sarah 
Crises et échanges pendant la Deuxième Période Intermédiaire:Tell el-Dabՙa, entre Méditerranée orientale et vallée du Nil
138,00 Eur
Ambos, Claus / Heeßel, Nils P. / Meinhold, Wiebke (Ed.) 
Festschrift für Stefan M. Maul
98,00 Eur
De Ridder, Jacob Jan / Stein, Peter (Ed.) 
Essays dedicated to Manfred Krebernik during the Colloquium Held on March 17–18, 2022 at Friedrich Schiller University Jena
89,00 Eur
Lehmann, Janine / Scheding, Paul (Ed.) 
A Comparison of Regional City Development in the Roman Provinces of North Africa and the Iberian Peninsula
128,00 Eur
Jördens, Andrea (Ed.) 
Unter Mitarbeit von Rodney Ast, Andrea Bernini, W. Graham Claytor, Ulrike Ehmig, Antonia Sarri, Eftychia Stravrianopoulou und Laura Willer
60,00 Eur
Lichtenberger, Achim / Witte, Markus (Ed.) 
30,00 Eur
Lichtenberger, Achim / Witte, Markus (Ed.) 
78,00 Eur
Matthiae, Paolo (Ed.) 
Studies on the Archaeology, History, and Philology of Ancient Syria
Daryaee, Touraj / Rollinger, Robert / Canepa, Matthew P. (Ed.) 
Proceedings of the Third Payravi Conference on Ancient Iranian History, UC Irvine, February 24th–25th, 2020
178,00 Eur
Yakubovich, Ilya / Mouton, Alice 
Hittite-Luwian Ritual Texts Attributed to Puriyanni, Kuwattalla and Šilalluḫi (CTH 758–763). Volume I: Edition and Commentary. Volume II: Discussion and Glossary
Marchetti, Nicolò / Campeggi, Michael / Cavaliere, Francesca / D’Orazio, Claudia / Giacosa, Gabriele / Mariani, Eleonora (Ed.) 
Proceedings of the International Congress on the Archaeology of the Ancient Near East
Proceedings of the 12th ICAANE
2021, Bologna
06-09 April 2021, Bologna. Vol. 1: Environmental Archaeology. Hammering the Material World. Cognitive Archaeology. Modeling the Past. Networked Archaeology. Endangered Cultural Heritage
98,00 Eur
Strupler, Néhémie 
Analyse de l'occupation de l'âge du Bronze de la Westterrasse Analyse de l'occupation de l'âge du Bronze de la Westterrasse
Marchetti, Nicolò / Cavaliere, Francesca / Cirelli, Enrico / D’Orazio, Claudia / Giacosa, Gabriele / Guidetti, Mattia / Mariani, Eleonora (Ed.) 
Proceedings of the International Congress on the Archaeology of the Ancient Near East
Proceedings of the 12th ICAANE
2021, Bologna
06-09 April 2021, Bologna. Vol. 2: Field Reports. Islamic Archaeology
30,00 Eur
Lichtenberger, Achim / Witte, Markus (Ed.) 
Meyer, Jan-Waalke / Tamm, Alexander (Ed.) 
Mit Beiträgen von Lanah Haddad, Adina Ciuchitu, Zuzanna Granda und Mutleb Malik
van de Peut, Lidewij E. 
On the Composition of Hittite Prayers
68,00 Eur
Matthiae, Paolo (Ed.) 
Studies on the Archaeology, History, and Philology of Ancient Syria
Burgin, James M. 
A New Edition of the Hittite Palace-Temple Administrative Corpus and Research on Allied Texts Found at Ḫattuša. Volume I: Background, Corpus Overview, Case Studies, Lexical Commentary, and Glossary

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